8. Use CasesΒΆ

Use Case: Installing rustfmt USE_RUSTFMT_INSTALL
Actor(s): User, tar (compression utility)
Input: A rustfmt release tarball.
Output: The rustfmt binary in the Ferrocene directory.
Environment constraints: tar is correctly installed.


  1. The user downloads the rustfmt archive.

  2. The user extracts the archive into the installation directory using tar:

    tar -C path/to/installation -xf path/to/archive.tar.xz
Use Case: Format a file USE_RUSTFMT_FORMAT
Actor(s): User, rustfmt.
Input: One or multiple Rust source files.
Output: Rust source files with the same paths, potentially modified.
Environment constraints: rustfmt is installed.


  1. The user calls rustfmt with the following command line arguments:

    # where <path> is the path to a Rust source file.
  2. rustfmt modifies Rust source files if they are not well-formatted.

Use Case: Check formatting of a file USE_RUSTFMT_CHECK
Actor(s): User, rustfmt.
Input: One or multiple Rust source files.
Output: A terminal exit code.
Output: A diff between current and well-formatted code (omitted if code is well-formatted).
Environment constraints: rustfmt is installed.


  1. The user calls rustfmt with the following command line arguments:

    # where <path> is the path to a Rust source file.
  2. rustfmt outputs a terminal status code, indicating if the checked files are well-formatted.