
This flag controls the maximum static variable size that may be included in the "small data sections" (.sdata, .sbss) supported by some architectures (RISCV, MIPS, M68K, Hexagon). Can be set to 0 to disable the use of small data sections.

Target support is indicated by the small_data_threshold_support target option which can be:

  • none (SmallDataThresholdSupport::None) for no support
  • default-for-arch (SmallDataThresholdSupport::DefaultForArch) which is automatically translated into an appropriate value for the target.
  • llvm-module-flag=<flag_name> (SmallDataThresholdSupport::LlvmModuleFlag) for specifying the threshold via an LLVM module flag
  • llvm-arg=<arg_name> (SmallDataThresholdSupport::LlvmArg) for specifying the threshold via an LLVM argument.