Release notes maintenance

Ferrocene maintains its own set of release notes in the Ferrocene Release Notes document. This page includes information on the writing and maintenance of the release notes.

Sections to use

To standardize the release notes, items should be categorized within the following sections:

  • New features

  • New experimental features

  • Changes

  • Bug fixes

  • Deprecations

  • Compatibility notes

If a version doesn’t have any content it can be omitted.

Marking releases as upcoming

Writing the release notes after all the development finished is error-prone, as someone has to manually go through all the changes and identify the relevant ones, with the risk of missing some of them.

To prevent that we add items to the release notes as they are developed, maintaining a working draft of the release notes of the next release. Those working drafts should be marked as “upcoming”, to alert users the release is not out yet and the contents are subject to change.

You can mark a release as upcoming by adding this snippet to the file-wide metadata of the document, before any non-comment content of the page:


Including Rust’s release notes

Major releases of Ferrocene bump the bundled Rust version, and when that happens, we should mention what changed since the last major release of Ferrocene. The rust-changelog directive takes care of that, automatically including the release notes of all Rust versions within a semver range.

To use it, add the directive to a section of the changelog, with the :from: and :to: options defining the (inclusive) range of versions to include:

.. rust-changelog::
   :from: 1.69.0
   :to: 1.76.0