Release process overview

This section describes where the release process is implemented, how to change it, and how to publish new releases. Note that the high-level overview of the release process is present in the qualification plan. Make sure to read the overview before diving into this section.

Release tooling

Ferrocene is developed using a custom tool, publish-release, which is responsible for all of the release steps. The tool is written in Rust and developed in the ferrocene/publish-release repository, and it’s executed on GitHub Actions in the ferrocene/ferrocene repository.

When GitHub Actions invokes the release tool, the script is used to determine which commit(s) to instruct the release process to release. The script does little when starting a manual release, but it’s fully responsible for determining which scheduled releases to run.

Publishing a manual release

Our release tooling also allows to manually start the release process. This can be useful to start releases that are not on a schedule, to restart a scheduled release that failed, or for testing (in the dev environment). Only starting the release is manual, meaning all the rest of steps are fully automated.

To manually start a release, go to the release workflow page and click the “Run workflow” button. You need to input the git reference you want to release (it can be a branch name, a short commit hash, or a full commit hash), and the environment to release in. Note that anyone can publish a release in the dev environment, while approval from a release manager is required for the prod environment.


The git reference needs to be a merge commit authored by bors.

This is because the Release workflow does not actually build anything, but just copies the release artifacts to the appropriate storage location.

It’s also possible to override some of the startup checks the release process performs, and to treat the git reference as verbatim instead of trying to resolve it. The latter option is useful if you need to release a commit which is not present in the ferrocene/ferrocene repository.

Once you click the green “Run workflow” button, a new job will be queued.

If the release targets the prod environment, an approval from a release manager will be required. The release manager will need to approve the release in the GitHub UI before the release can proceed. Once it’s done, the release process will start automatically.

If there is a service outage preventing you from manually starting a release, follow the instructions in Releasing during outages.

Channel names

The release channel is determined automatically by the tooling, based on both the src/ci/channel file (managed by upstream) and the ferrocene/ci/channel file (managed by Ferrocene):

Release channel


















We rely on this approach of combining the two files to determine the channel (rather than storing the actual channel in ferrocene/ci/channel) to reduce the maintenance efforts.

This way, as long as we set ferrocene/ci/channel to “rolling” on the main branch, we don’t need to make any change ourselves to promote a branch from “nightly” to “pre-rolling” to “rolling”, as upstream does that for us when they change src/ci/channel.