3. Ferrocene Details

The Ferrocene toolchain consists of multiple tools. Following is a list of the qualified ones:

  • rustc

  • rustfmt

3.1. rustc

The rustc compiler driver, which internally invokes the Rust Front-End, LLVM, and LLD, in order to produce a library or an executable from an input Rust program.


Ferrocene Architecture

3.1.1. Rust Front-End

The Rust Front-End is responsible for verifying the syntax and semantics of a Rust program, and for translating the program into LLVM IR for processing by LLVM.


Rust Front-End Architecture Front-End: Internal Representations

The Rust Front-End employs several internal representations to model the syntax and semantics of a Rust program.


The Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) is the first representation employed by Ferrocene to model a Rust program. The AST precisely captures the structure of a Rust program and how the various items nest inside a containment hierarchy. The AST is produced by the Parser.


The High-Level Intermediate Representation (HIR) is the second representation employed by Ferrocene to model a Rust program. The HIR is based on the AST, where certain complex constructs are simplified down to more primitive constructs.


The Typed High-Level Intermediate Representation (THIR) is the third representation employed by Ferrocene to model a Rust program. The THIR is based on the HIR, where all typing information has been captured.


The Mid-Level Intermediate Representation (MIR) is the fourth and last representation employed by Ferrocene to model a Rust program. The MIR is a control flow graph that captures sequences of actions, decision points, and branching destinations. Front-End: Processing

The processing performed by the Rust Front-End is based on semantic queries as opposed to compilation passes, where a query can be issued on any construct expressed in any of the internal representations outlined above.

To minimize the complexity and to present a more coherent view of the Rust Front-End, we identify the following distinct “processors”:


The Lexer processes a stream of characters that represent the text of a Rust program in order to produce lexical elements. The lexical elements are the most basic building blocks of a Rust program - comments, identifiers, keywords, literals, and special characters.


The Parser uses the lexical elements produced by the Lexer to construct the AST, following the grammar of the Rust programming language. The Parser is capable of detecting violations of the grammar, and stops a malformed Rust program from advancing further into the Ferrocene compilation pipeline.

Macro Expander:

The Macro Expander leverages the Name Resolver and uses the AST produced by the Parser to statically generate new syntax by replacing macro invocations with the implementations of the invoked macros. The Macro Expander is capable of detecting improper macro invocations and impossible replacements, and stops a malformed Rust program from advancing further into the Ferrocene compilation pipeline.

Name Resolver:

The Name Resolver uses the expanded AST produced by the Macro Expander to determine which paths refer to which names, which methods are being called by method call expressions, and which fields are selected by field access expressions. The Name Resolver is capable of detecting poor or ambiguous paths, non-existent methods, and non-existent fields, and stops a malformed Rust program from advancing further into the Ferrocene compilation pipeline.

HIR Lowering:

The process of HIR Lowering first checks various correctness properties of the AST, and then translates the AST to HIR. This phase prevents a malformed AST from being translated if a correctness property does not hold.

Trait Analyzer:

The Trait Analyzer pairs an implementation with a trait or a type by satisfying the various implicit and explicit constraints imposed by the trait or type. The Trait Analyzer is capable of detecting incompatible implementations, and stops a malformed Rust program from advancing further into the Ferrocene compilation pipeline.

Type Analyzer:

The Type Analyzer infers and verifies the types of expressions and values based on the type system of the Rust programming language. The Type Analyzer is capable of detecting incompatible types, and stops a malformed Rust program from advancing further into the Ferrocene compilation pipeline.

THIR Lowering:

The process of THIR Lowering incorporates the results of the Type Analyzer into the HIR with a simple structural transformation to produce THIR. Unlike HIR, THIR is discarded after MIR lowering.

Exhaustiveness Analyzer:

The Exhaustiveness Analyzer uses type information to determine whether the alternatives of a match expression fully cover the range of a type. The Exhaustiveness Analyzer is capable of detecting sub-ranges without coverage, and stops a malformed Rust program from advancing further into the Ferrocene compilation pipeline.

Pattern Analyzer:

The Pattern Analyzer uses type information to determine whether a single pattern or a tree of patterns can fully capture a value. The Pattern Analyzer is capable of detecting incomplete patterns and values without full capture, and stops a malformed Rust program from advancing further into the Ferrocene compilation pipeline.

MIR Lowering:

The process of MIR Lowering translates the THIR into MIR. This system transforms high level control flow, such loops, into a series of basic blocks and jumps between them.

Borrow Checker:

The Borrow Checker uses the control flow graph to verify the ownership and borrowing system of the Rust programming language. The Borrow Checker is capable of detecting data aliasing situations that violate the memory safety of the language, and stops a malformed Rust program from advancing further into the Ferrocene compilation pipeline.


The Monomorphizer uses the control flow graph to instantiate a generic by copying its template and replicating its generic parameters with generic arguments at appropriate instantiation sites.


The Optimizer uses the control flow graph to perform inlining, machine-code layout, register allocation, and similar optimizations.

LLVM IR Generation:

The process of LLVM IR Generation translates the MIR into LLVM IR.

3.1.2. LLVM

LLVM is responsible for the various optimizations of a LLVM IR program, and for the generation of static libraries and object files.


LLVM Architecture LLVM: Internal Representations

LLVM employs only one internal representation, referred to simply as LLVM IR, to model an input program.

LLVM IR is a portable high-level assembly language that employs a RISC instruction set. It represents an input program as a containment hierarchy, where each member of the hierarchy is supplemented with metadata. The LLVM IR exists in Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) form, but it can also be persisted in textual form. LLVM: Processing


An LLVM Pass is an abstraction that represents a single isolated processing step. LLVM has a library of passes that cover various kinds of processing, from AST analysis, to optimizations, to persistence.

Pass manager:

LLVM employs a pass manager to orchestrate the passes necessary for a particular target, based on a target description file.

Target description files:

LLVM uses target description files to capture target-specific information, such as register classes and processing passes.

3.1.3. LLD

LLD is the default linker bundled with LLVM. It is a drop-in replacement for GNU linkers, and accepts the same command line arguments and linker scripts. It is responsible for producing shared libraries and executables from object files.


LLD Architecture

3.2. rustfmt

The rustfmt Rust formatter, which formats or checks the formatting of source code.