A. Terms, Definitions, and Abbreviations

For the purpose of this qualification, the terms, definitions and abbreviated terms from the ISO 26262 and IEC 61508 standards apply. Additional terms specific to the current qualification are listed below.

A.1. Definition of Terms

Borrow Checker

Uses the control flow graph to verify the ownership and borrowing system of the programming language.


CI platform used by the Ferrocene repository to run its tests and build its releases.

Exhaustiveness Analyzer

Determines whether the alternatives of a match expression fully cover the range of a type.


A version control system that tracks changes in a set of computer files.


Code hosting and collaboration platform.


Hazard and Operability study. It is a process for analyzing hazards in a systematic way by applying guide words to each node of studied item.

HIR Lowering

Checks various correctness properties of the AST, and then translates the AST to HIR.

Known Problem

Ferrocene Known Problems contain the description and scope of the unwanted behavior, suggest workarounds, detection and mitigation strategies, and list the affected releases.


A stream of characters that represent the text of a Rust program in order to produce lexical elements.

LLVM IR Generation

Translates the MIR into LLVM IR.

Macro Expander

Replaces macro invocations with the implementations of the invoked macros.

MIR Lowering

Translates the THIR into MIR.


Uses the control flow graph to instantiate a generic by copying its template and replicating its generic parameters with generic arguments at appropriate instantiation sites.

Name Resolver

Uses the expanded AST produced by the Macro Expander to determine which paths refer to which names, which methods are being called by method call expressions, and which fields are selected by field access expressions.


Performs inlining, machine-code layout, register allocation, and similar optimizations.


Uses the lexical elements produced by the Lexer to construct the AST.

Pattern Analyzer

Uses type information to determine whether a single pattern or a tree of patterns can fully capture a value.

THIR Lowering

Translates the HIR into THIR.

Trait Analyzer

Pairs an implementation with a trait or a type by satisfying the various implicit and explicit constraints imposed by the trait or type.

Type Analyzer

Infers and verifies the types of expressions and values based on the type system.


The Rust project, also referred to as “upstream”, is an umbrella project that encompasses contributions from individuals and dedicated teams, and is sponsored by interested companies through the Rust Foundation.


A portable high-level assembly language that employs a RISC instruction set.

A.2. Abbreviated Terms


Automotive Safety Integrity Level


Abstract Syntax Tree


Continuous Integraiton


High-Level Intermediate Representation


International Electrotechnical Commission


International Organization for Standardization


Mid-Level Intermediate Representation


Pull Request


Tool Confidence Level


Typed High-Level Intermediate Representation