10. Validation Process


Validation Process

As described in the picture above, the validation process starts with the results of the Ferrocene Evaluation Report. After the analysis of the software tool identified the use cases and the potential errors, we determined the Tool Confidence Level and then the validation method used for this qualification.

The validation process shall demonstrate that all the potential errors have been identified for the use case described in the Evaluation Report HazOp analysis. These errors will either be covered by a test which ensures that they are not present in the final product, or means of mitigating their effects have been identified (see Tool Analysis for further details).

10.1. Validation Strategy

The general validation strategy employed across the Ferrocene processes is to use a trusted CI infrastructure to thoroughly test a PR, to prevent the merge of a PR that would otherwise violate the “always green” invariant of the Ferrocene Git repository, and to maintain logs and artifacts for every single activity that was performed for some Ferrocene process.

The Ferrocene CI infrastructure implements the general validation strategy, and in addition allows a Ferrocene developer to stop any phase of any Ferrocene process, and to examine any log at any point during the span of an activity.

The following sections describe how the various Ferrocene processes are validated.

10.2. Development Validation

The validation of the Development Process is performed in part by the reviewer of each PR, and in part automatically by the Ferrocene infrastructure.

Whenever a PR is ready for review, in addition to reviewing the code change, the reviewer must ensure these steps were followed before marking the PR as approved:

Once the PR is queued to be merged, the Ferrocene infrastructure will automatically verify that the reviewer approved the PR (meaning the steps above were checked by the reviewer), and run these steps before merging the change:

Because of this, all merged changes have followed the development process, and there is no need for any additional manual verification.

10.2.1. Documentation validation

In addition to this process, the safety manager (or a person delegated by the safety manager) must review the documents before each release, checking that the documentation’s contents are valid, up-to-date, and complete, and that all applicable requirements have been successfully covered.

They must also do a quick check to ensure there are no unexpected problems with the end product and that the automation successfully executed without warnings.

10.3. Build and Testing Validation

The Build and Testing Process is performed as part of the development process in Dev Phase 5: Test, so validating it implies validating the testing process.

Additionally, the produced packages are validated automatically by the release tooling as part of the Ferrocene infrastructure. The tooling expects the packages to be stored at the correct location with the right metadata attached, so failures in the packaging process will prevent releases from being published.

10.4. Release Validation

The validation of the release process is only applicable to the stable release channel. As indicated in Release Process, there are no stability or functionality guarantees in the other release channels as they are not production environments.

To validate a release, the release manager must first publish the release on the dev environment (as described in the internal procedures), and once published there they must manually verify that:

  • All the expected files are present in the release.

  • The release can be installed locally and can compile example programs.

  • The Documentation validation has been performed.

If any of the checks are not satisfactory, the release must be delayed until resolved. Once all checks are passed, the release can be published in the production environment.