1. Overview

This Manual describes the use of Ferrocene rolling, the ISO-26262:2018 and IEC-61508:2010 qualified version of the Rust toolchain.

Ferrocene is based on:

  • rustc version 1.81.0.

  • rustfmt version 1.7.1.

This Manual assumes familiarity with rustc and the Rust language, and outlines usage instructions specific to Ferrocene.

1.1. Structure

This guide contains the following chapters:

  • About Ferrocene describes the requirements and process of installing and running the Ferrocene toolchain.

  • Using Ferrocene describes how to build programs using the Ferrocene toolchain. This includes an overview on how to build libraries, executables, as well as mixed language compilation and system calls.

  • Compilation targets describes qualified (supported) and unqualified (experimental) Ferrocene compilation targets.

  • rustfmt describes how to install and use rustfmt.

  • References provides further support and information about other documentation.

1.2. Further Relevant Documentation

The Ferrocene documentation package includes:

Further information about the Rust language is available online and maintained by the Rust Project. This is a reference only and has not been verified by Ferrocene engineers. An overview of the information is available here.