B. rustc Command-Line Interface

-A <lints>

Compiler argument -A indicates which lints are suppressed. A suppressed lint is never checked and does not emit a diagnostic.

<lints> must be a comma-separated list of lint names and lint category names. The list must contain at least one element.


$ rustc -A warnings,absolute-paths-not-starting-with-crate

The effects of compiler argument -A depend on its position within the sequence of compiler arguments and the presence of other lint-related compiler arguments, where precedence increases from left to right.

A list of size N is equivalent to N compiler arguments -A, one for each element.


$ rustc -A warnings -A absolute-paths-not-starting-with-crate

Compiler argument -C customizes code generation. The compiler argument must be followed by at least one code generation option.

-C codegen-units=<number>

Code generation option codegen-units instructs the compiler to split the crate being compiled into multiple units. This may increase parallelism, but may also produce slower code.

<number> must be a positive number.


$ rustc -C codegen-units=4 my_program.rs

Multiple codegen-units code generation options are allowed on the command line, where precedence increases from left to right.

-C debug-assertions=<flag>

Code generation option debug-assertions enables (or disables) conditional compilation that is predicated on attribute #[cfg(debug_assertions)].

<flag> must be either off, on, n, no, y, or yes, or can be altogether missing.

The effects of <flag> are as follows:



on, y, yes, no value

Enables debug assertions.

off, n, no

Disables debug assertions.


$ rustc -C debug-assertions=yes my_program.rs

Multiple debug-assertions code generation options are allowed on the command line, where precedence increases from left to right.

-C debuginfo=<level>

Code generation option debuginfo indicates the level of detail of the debug information produced by the compiler.

<level> must be either 0, 1, or 2.

The effects of <level> are as follows:




No debug information is produced.


Only line tables are produced.


Full debug information is produced.


$ rustc -C debuginfo=2 my_program.rs

Multiple debuginfo code generation options are allowed on the command line, where precedence increases from left to right.

-C extra-filename=<suffix>

Code generation option extra-filename appends a suffix to the name of each output file.

<suffix> must be a string literal.


$ rustc -C extra-filename="_backup" my_program.rs

Multiple extra-filename code generation options are allowed on the command line, where precedence increases from left to right.

-C llvm-args=<args>


This code generation option is outside the scope of the Ferrocene qualification, and must not be used in a safety critical context. Its documentation is presented for your convenience.

Code generation option llvm-args can be used to pass a list of arguments directly to LLVM. The list must be separated by spaces.


$ rustc -C llvm-args=--inline-threshold=123 my_program.rs


Only the values listed in Compilation targets section for each target can be used in a safety critical context.

Code generation option link-arg appends a single extra argument to the invocation of the linker.

<arg> must be a valid linker argument.


$ rustc -C link-arg=--arch=sm_60 my_program.rs

The effects of code generation option link-arg depend on its position within the sequence of linker argument-related code generation options, where precedence increases from left to right.

Multiple link-arg code generation options are allowed on the command line.


Only the values listed in Compilation targets section for each target can be used in a safety critical context.

Code generation option link-args appends multiple extra arguments to the invocation of the linker.

<args> must be a space-separated list of valid linker arguments. The list must contain at least one element.


$ rustc -C link-args="-pie --relax" my_program.rs

The effects of code generation option link-args depend on its position within the sequence of linker argument-related code generation options, where precedence increases from left to right.

Multiple link-args code generation options are allowed on the command line.

Code generation option link-dead-code indicates whether dead code is linked.

<flag> must be either off, on, n, no, y, or yes, or can be altogether missing.

The effects of <flag> are as follows:



on, y, yes, no value

Links dead code.

off, n, no

Default. Do not link dead code.


$ rustc -C link-dead-code=yes my_program.rs

Multiple link-dead-code code generation options are allowed on the command line, where precedence increases from left to right.

-C linker=<path>


This can only be used for targets that require a linker driver, in which case the linker driver must adhere to the linker options restrictions.

Code generation option linker indicates the path to the linker. If this compiler argument is not specified, then the linker is inferred based on the target.

<path> must denote a valid path.


$ rustc -C linker=/usr/local/bin my_program.rs

Multiple linker code generation options are allowed on the command line, where precedence increases from left to right.

-C linker-flavor=<flavor>


Only the flavors listed in Compilation targets section for each target can be used in a safety critical context.

Code generation option linker-flavor indicates the flavor of the linker.

If the linker is specified using compiler argument -C linker, then the flavor is inferred.

If no linker is specified, then the flavor is used to select the linker to use.

<flavor> must be either bpf-linker, em, gcc, ld, ld.lld, ld64.lld, lld-link, msvc, ptx-linker, wasm-ld.

The effects of <flavor> are as follows:




Use bpf-linker for eBPF support.


Use Emscripten emcc.


Use cc.


Use ld.


Use LLVM lld with the -flavor gnu flag for GNU binutils’ ld.


Use LLVM lld with the -flavor darwin flag for Apple’s ld.


Use LLVM lld with the -flavor link flag for Microsoft’s link.


Use link from Microsoft Visual Studio.


Use rust-ptx-linker for Nvidia NVPTX GPGPU support.


Use wasm-ld.


$ rustc -C linker-flavor=gcc my_program.rs

Multiple linker-flavor code generation options are allowed on the command line.

-C metadata=<data>

Code generation option metadata enhances symbol mangling by supplying additional data used in the hashed suffixes of symbols.

<data> must be a comma-separated list of string literals. The list must contain at least one element.


$ rustc -C metadata=prod,arm32 my_program.rs

Multiple metadata code generation options are allowed on the command line, where precedence increases from left to right.

-C no-vectorize-loops


This code generation option is outside the scope of the Ferrocene qualification, and must not be used in a safety critical context. Its documentation is presented for your convenience.

Code generation option no-vectorize-loops disables loop vectorization.


$ rustc -C no-vectorize-loops my_program.rs

Multiple no-vectorize-loops code generation options are allowed on the command line, where precedence increases from left to right.

-C opt-level=<level>


Only level 2 is within the scope of the Ferrocene qualification.

Code generation option opt-level indicates the optimization level in effect.

<level> must be either 0, 1, 2, 3, s, or z.

The effects of <level> are as follows:




No optimizations.


Basic optimizations.


Some optimizations. Same as compiler argument -O.


All optimizations.


Optimize for binary size.


Optimize for binary size with disabled loop vectorization.

$ rustc -C opt-level=2 my_program.rs

Multiple opt-level code generation options are allowed on the command line, where precedence increases from left to right.

-C overflow-checks=<flag>

Code generation option overflow-checks enables (or disables) checks on runtime integer overflow. If overflow checks are enabled and integer overflow occurs, then the code panics.

<flag> must be either off, on, n, no, y, or yes, or can be altogether missing.

The effects of <flag> are as follows:



on, y, yes, no value

Enables overflow checks.

off, n, no

Disables overflow checks.


$ rustc -C overflow-checks=yes my_program.rs

Multiple overflow-checks code generation options are allowed on the command line, where precedence increases from left to right.

-C panic=<behavior>

Code generation option panic indicates the behavior of panics.

<behavior> must be either abort or unwind.

The effects of <behavior> are as follows:




The process terminates upon panic.


The stack unwinds upon panic.


$ rustc -C panic=abort my_program.rs

Multiple panic code generation options are allowed on the command line, where precedence increases from left to right.

-C prefer-dynamic=<flag>

Code generation option prefer-dynamic indicates whether dynamic linking is preferable when both a static and a dynamic version of a library are available.

<flag> must be either off, on, n, no, y, or yes, or can be altogether missing.

The effects of <flag> are as follows:



on, y, yes, no value

Use dynamic linking.

off, n, no

Default. Use static linking.


$ rustc -C prefer-dynamic=y my_program.rs

Multiple prefer-dynamic code generation options are allowed on the command line, where precedence increases from left to right.

-C relocation-model=<model>


This code generation option is outside the scope of the Ferrocene qualification, and must not be used in a safety critical context. Its documentation is presented for your convenience.

Code generation option relocation-model enables the generation of position-independent code.

<model> is set to static on ARM architectures.

Multiple relocation-model code generation options are allowed on the command line, where precedence increases from left to right.

-C rpath=<flag>

Code generation option rpath indicates whether the run-time search path is enabled (or disabled).

<flag> must be either off, on, n, no, y, or yes, or can be altogether missing.

The effects of <flag> are as follows:



on, y, yes, no value

Enables the run-time search path.

off, n, no

Default. Disables the run-time search path.


$ rustc -C rpath=no my_program.rs

Multiple rpath code generation options are allowed on the command line, where precedence increases from left to right.

-C target-cpu=<cpu>


This code generation option is outside the scope of the Ferrocene qualification, and must not be used in a safety critical context. Its documentation is presented for your convenience.

Code generation option target-cpu indicates the CPU of the target to generate code for.

<cpu> must be one of the CPU kinds reported by compiler argument --print target-cpus.


$ rustc -C target-cpu=x86-64 my_program.rs

Multiple target-cpu code generation options are allowed on the command line, where precedence increases from left to right.

-C target-feature=<features>


This code generation option is outside the scope of the Ferrocene qualification, and must not be used in a safety critical context. Its documentation is presented for your convenience.

Code generation option target-feature enables (or disables) a feature of the target.

This code generation option is unsafe and may result in undefined behavior.

<features> must be a comma-separated list of feature details. The list must contain at least one element.

The valid feature details and their effects are as follows:

feature detail



Enables the feature.


Disables the feature.

FEATURE must be one of the features reported by compiler argument --print target-features.

The effects of compiler argument -C target-feature depends on its position within the sequence of compiler arguments and the presence of other such compiler arguments, where precedence increases from left to right.


$ rustc -C target-feature=adx,f16c my_program.rs

Multiple target-feature code generation options are allowed on the command line.

--cap-lints <level>

Compiler argument --cap-lints indicates the overall diagnostic level of all lints.

<level> must be either allow, deny, forbid, or warn.


$ rustc --cap-lints warn my_program.rs

Specifying a particular level enacts the effects of the following lint-related compiler arguments for all lints:


compiler argument









The effects of compiler argument --cap-lints depend on its position within the sequence of compiler arguments and the presence of other lint-related compiler arguments, where precedence increases from left to right.

Multiple --cap-lints compiler arguments are allowed on the command line.

--cfg <option>

Compiler argument --cfg specifies conditional compilation option keys and values.

<option> must either denote a key of the form key or a key-value pair of the form key="value".


$ rustc --cfg verbose my_program.rs
$ rustc --cfg feature="serde" my_program.rs

A compiler argument of the form --cfg key corresponds to attribute #[cfg(key)].

A compiler argument of the form --cfg key="value" corresponds to attribute #[cfg(key = "value")].

Multiple --cfg compiler arguments are allowed on the command line.


Compiler argument --codegen is identical to compiler argument -C.

--color <option>

Compiler argument --color sets the color of the output.

<option> must denote either always, auto, or never, where auto is the default.

The effects of <option> are as follows:




Always use color in the output.


Default. Use color only when the output goes to a TTY.


Never use color in the output.


$ rustc --color always my_program.rs

Only one --color compiler argument is allowed on the command line.

--crate-name <name>

Compiler argument --crate-name specifies the name of the crate to build.

<name> must be a string literal.


$ rustc --crate-name my_crate_name my_program.rs

If the crate root module is subject to attribute crate_name, then <name> and the name specified by the attribute must be the same.

Only one --crate-name compiler argument is allowed on the command line.

--crate-type <types>


Only the bin, lib, rlib and staticlib crate types can be used in a safety critical context.

Compiler argument --crate-type specifies the type of crate to build.

<types> must be a comma-separated list of crate types. The list must contain at least one element.

The valid crate types are:



A runnable executable.


A native dynamic library.


A Rust dynamic library.


A compiler-favored library kind, defaults to rlib.


A procedural macro library.


A Rust static library.


A native static library.


$ rustc --crate-type dylib,rlib my_library.rs

If the crate root module is subject to attribute crate_type, then <types> overrides the types specified by the attribute.

A list of size N is equivalent to N compiler arguments --crate-type, one for each element.


$ rustc --crate-type dylib --crate-type rlib my_library.rs
-D <lints>

Compiler argument -D indicates which lints emit their diagnostics as errors. This compiler argument may be used to treat warnings as errors. An error stops compilation while a warning does not.

<lints> must be a comma-separated list of lint names and lint category names. The list must contain at least one element.


$ rustc -D warnings,absolute-paths-not-starting-with-crate

The effects of compiler argument -D depend on its position within the sequence of compiler arguments and the presence of other lint-related compiler arguments, where precedence increases from left to right.

A list of size N is equivalent to N compiler arguments -D, one for each element.


$ rustc -D warnings -D absolute-paths-not-starting-with-crate
--edition <edition>


Only edition 2021 is within the scope of the Ferrocene qualification.

Compiler argument --edition indicates the edition of the Rust programming language used during compilation.

<edition> must denote either 2015, 2018, or 2021, where 2015 is the default.


$ rustc --edition 2021 my_program.rs

Only one --edition compiler argument is allowed on the command line.

--emit <kinds>

Compiler argument --emit indicates which kind of output to emit.

<kinds> must be a comma-separated list of output kinds. The list must contain at least one element.

The valid output kinds and their effects are as follows:




Generate file CRATE_NAME.d which indicates the files loaded when generating the crate, using Makefile syntax.


Generate file libCRATE_NAME.rmeta which contains metadata about the crate.


$ rustc --emit dep-info,metadata my_program.rs

A list of size N is equivalent to N compiler arguments --emit, one for each element.


$ rustc --emit dep-info --emit metadata my_program.rs
--error-format <kind>

Indicate which kind of error format to use.

Compiler argument --error-format indicates which error format to use when emitting diagnostics.

<kind> must denote either human, json, or short, where human is the default.

The effects of <kind> are as follows:




Default. Generate human-readable output.


Generate structured JSON output.


Generate one-line diagnostics.


$ rustc --error-format short my_program.rs

Only one --error-format compiler argument is allowed on the command line.

--explain <code>

Compiler argument --explain outputs a verbose explanation of an error denoted by a code.

<code> must have the form Ennnn, where each n denotes a digit from 0 to 9.


$ rustc --explain E0708

Only one --explain compiler argument is allowed on the command line.

--extern <details>

Compiler argument --extern indicates the name and location of an external crate. The crate is added to the external prelude, and will be linked only when used.

<details> must be a comma-separated list of crate details. The list must contain at least one element.

The valid crate details and their effects are as follows:

crate details



Indicates the name of the crate within the search path.


Indicates the name and path of the crate.

CRATE_NAME does not have to be unique within the union of all <details>. If the same CRATE_NAME is specified with and without a PATH, the version with PATH takes precedence.


$ rustc --extern \
        my_library, \
        my_other_library=/usr/lib/libmy_other_library.so \

A list of size N is equivalent to N compiler arguments --extern, one for each element.


$ rustc --extern my_library \
        --extern my_other_library=/usr/lib/libmy_other_library.so \
-F <lints>

Compiler argument -F indicates which lints always emit their diagnostics as errors, regardless of whether other lint-related compiler arguments are present. This compiler argument may be used to treat warnings as errors. An error stops compilation while a warning does not.

<lints> must be a comma-separated list of lint names and lint category names. The list must contain at least one element.


$ rustc -F warnings,absolute-paths-not-starting-with-crate

The effects of compiler argument -F depend on its position within the sequence of compiler arguments and the presence of other lint-related compiler arguments, where precedence increases from left to right.

A list of size N is equivalent to N compiler arguments -W, one for each element.


$ rustc -F warnings -F absolute-paths-not-starting-with-crate

Compiler argument -g is identical to compiler argument -C debuginfo=2.


Compiler option -h is identical to compiler argument --help.


Compiler argument --help emits usage and help information.


$ rustc -help
--json <format>

Compiler argument --json indicates the format of the JSON output when compiler argument --error-format json is in effect.

<format> must denote either artifacts, diagnostic-short, diagnostic-rendered-ansi, or future-incompat.

The effects of <format> are as follows:




Output a JSON blob for each artifact produced by compiler argument --emit.


Output a JSON blob as if compiler argument --error-format short is in effect.


Output a JSON blob with ANSI color codes.


Output a JSON blob indicating future incompatibilities in the code.


$ rustc --error-format json --json artifacts my_program.rs

Only one --json compiler argument is allowed on the command line.

-L <details>

Compiler argument -L indicates the kind and location of a search path.

<details> must be a comma-separated list of path details. The list must contain at least one element.

The valid path details and their effects are as follows:

path details



Identical to all=PATH.


Add a search path for all kinds of dependencies and libraries.


Add a search path for direct dependencies only.


Add a search path for transitive dependencies only.


Add a search path for native libraries only.


$ rustc -L libraries,native=include/c_libraries my_program.rs

A list of size N is equivalent to N compiler arguments -L, one for each element.


$ rust -L libraries -L native=include/c_libraries my_program.rs
-l <details>

Compiler argument -l indicates a native library to link.

<details> must be a comma-separated list of library details. The list must contain at least one element.

The valid library details and their effects are as follows:

library details



Link a native library denoted by its name.


Link a specific kind of native library denoted by its name.

A valid NAME is as follows:



The actual name of the native library.


The actual name of the native library bound to an alias.

A valid KIND is as follows:



The kind of the native library, dylib for a dynamic native library, static for a static native library.


The kind of the native library subject to modifiers.

MODIFIERS is a comma-separated list of library modifiers. The list must contain at least one element. Specifying multiple identical library modifiers is not supported.

Library modifiers are only compatible with the static KIND. The valid library modifiers and their effects are as follows:

library modifier



Default. Causes the static native library to be packed into an rlib or a static archive, and then retrieved from there during the linking of the final binary.


Causes the static native library to be registered as a dependency of an rlib “by name”, and then retrieved “by name” during the linking of the final binary.


Causes the static native library to be linked as a whole archive. This library modifier translates to --whole-archive for ld-like linkers, to /WHOLEARCHIVE for link.exe, and to -force-load for ld64.



Library modifiers +bundle and +whole-archive are mutually exclusive.


$ rustc -l libmy_library my_program.rs
$ rustc -l mine:libmy_library my_program.rs
$ rustc -l static=libmy_static_library my_program.rs
$ rustc -l static=mine:libmy_static_library my_program.rs
$ rustc -l static+bundle=libmy_static_library my_program.rs
$ rustc -l static+bundle=mine:libmy_static_library my_program.rs

Compiler argument -O is identical to compiler argument -C opt-level=2.

-o <name>

Compiler argument -o indicates the name of the compilation output file.

<name> must be a string literal.


$ rustc -o driver my_program.rs

Compiler argument -o causes compiler argument --out-dir to be ignored.

Only one -o compiler argument is allowed on the command line.

--out-dir <directory>

Compiler argument --out-dir indicates the output directory.

<directory> must be a valid path. It is not necessary for the path to exist prior to compilation.


$ rustc --out-dir my_project/bin my_program.rs

Compiler argument --out-dir is ignored when compiler argument -o is in effect.

Only one --out-dir compiler argument is allowed on the command line.

--print <option>

Compiler argument --print emits information about the compiler.

<option> must denote either cfg, crate-name, link-args, native-static-lib, sysroot, target-libdir, target-list.

The effects of <option> are as follows:




Outputs all keys and key-value pairs related to conditional compilation that are in effect.


Outputs the name of the crate.


Outputs the full linker invocation.


Outputs the linker flags used when linking a static library.


Outputs the path to the compiler installation root.


Outputs the path to the target libdir.


Outputs a list of known targets.


$ rustc --print file-names my_program.rs

Multiple --print compiler arguments are allowed on the command line.

--remap-path-prefix <from>=<to>

Remap source path prefixes in all output. Compiler argument --remap-path-prefix causes path prefixes in all output to be replaced with another prefix.

<from> must be a string literal.

<to> must be a string literal, but exclude character 0x3D (equals sign).


$ rustc --remap-path-prefix /usr/bin=/my_project/executables

Multiple --remap-path-prefix compiler arguments are allowed on the command line.


Compiler option --sysroot indicates the compiler installation root.


$ rustc --sysroot my_project/bin my_program.rs

Only one --sysroot compiler argument is allowed on the command line.

--target <target>

Compiler argument --target indicates the target triple to build.

<target> must denote what is it for ARM?


$ rustc --target ??? my_program.rs

Only one --target compiler argument is allowed on the command line.


Compiler argument --test builds a test harness in the form of an executable binary.


$ rustc --test my_program.rs

Only one --test compiler argument is allowed on the command line.


Compiler argument -V is identical to compiler argument --version.


Compiler argument -v is identical to compiler argument --verbose.


Compiler argument --verbose emits verbose output.


$ rustc --verbose my_program.rs

Only one --verbose compiler argument is allowed on the command line.


Compiler argument --version emits the compiler version.


$ rustc --version

Only one --version compiler argument is allowed on the command line.

-W <lints>

Compiler argument -W indicates which lints emit their diagnostics as warnings. This compiler argument may be used to treat errors as warnings. An error stops compilation while a warning does not.

<lints> must be a comma-separated list of lint names and lint category names. The list must contain at least one element.


$ rustc -W warnings,absolute-paths-not-starting-with-crate

The effects of compiler argument -W depend on its position within the sequence of compiler arguments and the presence of other lint-related compiler arguments, where precedence increases from left to right.

A list of size N is equivalent to N compiler arguments -W, one for each element.


$ rustc -W warnings -W absolute-paths-not-starting-with-crate