E. Terms, Definitions, and Abbreviations

For the purpose of this qualification, the terms, definitions and abbreviated terms from the ISO 26262 and IEC 61508 standards apply. Additional terms specific to the current qualification are listed below.

E.1. Definition of Terms

Child module

A module declared in another module. An example declaration is mod child_module;, which would be in a parent module. Examples of parent modules are files named main.rs, lib.rs, and mod.rs.

Known Problem

Ferrocene Known Problems contain the description and scope of the unwanted behavior, suggest workarounds, detection and mitigation strategies, and list the affected releases.


A stream of characters that represent the text of a Rust program in order to produce lexical elements.

Linker driver

An external linker or system C compiler used to locate system-specific C libraries needed to link executables and shared libraries, before deferring control to the actual linker.


Uses the lexical elements produced by the Lexer to construct the AST.

E.2. Abbreviated Terms


Abstract Syntax Tree


Continuous Integraiton


High-Level Intermediate Representation


International Electrotechnical Commission


International Organization for Standardization